Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - "How Do I Let A Good Man Down" / "My Man Is A Mean Man"

All future releases by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings will now be required by law to be accompanied by a warning advisory after a focus group fell victim to an incurable dance infection. Dr. Jimothy Henr y Louis III, who leads the research explains: “Within the initial moments of exposure to the DAP-1024-A, the group was overcome by an unsupressable need to dance. It is evident that most ears have little or no resistance to this record.” DJ Cleopatra, referred to by many club goers as “the Audiophile from the Nile” doesn’t seem surprised by the outbreak. “Nobody can help but get down to this,” says this renown DJ and longtime fan. “Sharon Jones is like pure cocaine. Even if you’re a longtime user, you’re ass is still gonna get high.”