Naomi Shelton & The Gospel Queens
"Sinner / Everybody Knows"
Ladies and Gentleman, we’re about to take a flight on an airline called L-O-V-E. Don’t need no ticket, just get on board. Naomi Shelton is our faithful Captain, and the Gospel Queens our in-flight crew, ready to serve you soulfully to your highest elevation.
The A-Side, "Sinner" showcases Naomi’s gritty vocals, coupled with the lush harmonies of the Queens creating a call and response melody of celestial proportions – and to top it off all of the aforementioned perfection is set to a raw groove provided by Brother Cliff Driver and his Band O,Plenty. On the flip is an adaptation of O.V. Wright’s BackBeat classic, "Everybody Knows (The River Song)". NSGQ plucks this tune from Texas and plants it firmly in the Caribbean, with a feel good rhumba and a chorus strong enough to crack coconuts. Much more than a single, it’s a sneak peek into their Cold World LP, which promises to be an essential part of your personal soundtrack this summer. Ladies and Gentlemen, the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign is no longer illuminated. Feel free to get out of your seats.